Learnings from Shift Lab 2.0

Shift Lab 2.0 continued to build upon our previous work and explore new questions. With a tighter focus around behaviour change, challenge scoping and incorporating Indigenous epistemologies into social innovation processes, we developed new tools and new anti-racist prototypes that are now in various stages of implementation with community partners. Taking place during 2020’s backdrop of a global pandemic and mass demonstrations against racism only underscored the importance of this work as we weaved our insights together.

Like our 1.0 report, this document is an attempt to record everything we learned -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. On top of our regular evaluation report, you’ll find reflections on tensions the Stewards encountered and what it truly takes to centre Indigenous worldviews. You’ll find background on how and why we landed on our four challenge areas and details about our triple helix methodology. Naturally, it wouldn’t be a Shift Lab product without rad design by the superstar Jamie Calayo. 

Whether you’re a lab practitioner, curious about anti-racist behaviour change, or just like looking at pictures of smart people at work, this report is for you!

And to the dozens and dozens of people who have helped us along the way and carry dreams of a better future: thank you. Read the report. 


Shift Lab 2.0 Report Launch and Prototype Update


Shift Lab 2.0 video is out!